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This is the box that i made. It is called “bread box.”

In planning out this box, I wanted to push myself to make something further than the traditional box shown in the example, while also being mindful of the fact that I had never used any of the tools in the shop before.

original sketches

First I cut off a piece from a 2x4 and made sure the angles were good right angles. They weren’t, so I went in and used the sander. Using the mitar saw for the first time was scary. Then I used the drill press to make a hole in the corner for the screw.

After that, I rounded the edges using the sander to make the edges of the bread. This was a lot easier than I thought it would be, and the sander took off a lot with little effort from me.

After that, I used the bandsaw to make a little cutout on either side for the top of the bread. It was a little intimidating using the bandsaw for the first time, but because I didn’t need these cuts to be super exact, it went okay. The two pics above are from before and after using sandpaper to round out the edges. It’s starting to look like bread!

Slicing the bread.

Hollowing out the middle was definitely the hardest part. I wanted the bottom of the inside of the box to be level, so I measured how deep I wanted the bit to go and marked it with tape. The problem there was because it was slicing up so much wood, it was hard to see where the tape was, so it didn’t come out to be totally level, and I ended up with a lot of deep marks I don’t want.

I can’t believe how much waste there was from hollowing out the box. I couldn’t find a dremmel that worked so I used a chisel to even out the edges. It worked okay. After that I went in with sandpaper to even the inside edges more. It is not perfect, but I am happy with the result.

The last step was to get the screw in. I thought this would be the easiest part, but there was a big knot in the wood in the corner I made the hole, so the wood started to split when I screwed it in. You live and you learn.