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Disney Channel Intro - CV

Link to sketch

“Hi, I’m Lily and you’re watching Disney Channel!”

The inspiration:

This week, I wanted to recreate the iconic Disney Channel commercial theme that I saw all the time on TV growing up. I figured the best way to do this would be by working off of this example by Kyle McDonald of tracking the brightest point on the screen. I spent a lot of time testing it out with my phone flashlight and with a regular flashlight, but neither worked well because of the glare.

I started playing around with the smoothing, and softened the light a little by putting a piece of blue fabric over it, which fixed the isssue. Below on the left, it worked pretty well. I changed the stroke color and weight to make it look more like the magic wand. It was a lot harder than I thought to replicate the Mickey Mouse Ears.

I changed the number of trail points to make the trail longer, and it was pretty much done! It’s not perfect, but it does what I want it to do, pretty much.