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WEEK 2: Debugging / Unpredictability


For this assignment, I wanted to make a sketch that incorporated the “smooth” movement that you can get using the noise function. Using what I learned from the Graphing Perlin Noise video, I applied the same principles of moving a circle’s coordinates to changing its size instead. This is what I came up with first:

After that, I added a few more squares. The hard part here was setting the original “offset” variables to be different values, so they wouldn’t have the exact same movements. Instead of creating new variables for each of them, I just changed the starting poing and achieved the same result:

I also changed the squares to have rounded corners; I liked this effect because they look like they turn into circles when they get small enough. Also at this stage I played with the color, because I wanted to find a way for the color to continually change independently of each other. I went back with the noise function and made one variable that had values from 0 to 255, and set it as different places in the fill( ) setting. This got me to my final design, which has 4 different colors changing independly of each other while using the same variable.



Sketches with notes written before playing the sketch:

Decode 1
Decode 2
Decode 3
Decode 4 - this one is weird to me - I’m confused by the placement of functions 
Decode 5 - I don’t get the tx += 0.01; & ty += 0.01; part at the end --why is it in the getEndPoint function? What’s it doing?